Seminario de Álgebra, Combinatoria y Teoría de Lie

Viernes 24 de abril de 2020, 14:00 hs.

Expositor: Rodrigo Iglesias(UNS) 

Título: Simetría y redes neuronales


Resumen: Las redes neuronales son un modelo computacional que ha tenido un gran impacto científico en la última década. Si bien no hay aún una teoría matemática que explique este éxito empírico de manera satisfactoria, hay indicios de que una comunión entre nociones que involucran simetría y la teoría de la información sería relevante. En esta charla hablaremos de dos aspectos donde la simetría tiene un rol importante.

Por un lado ha habido recientemente una generalización de las llamadas redes convolucionales al contexto de transformaciones -invariantes por la acción de un grupo- entre espacios homogéneos. Las redes convolucionales han tenido notables aplicaciones.

Por otro lado, tenemos que las redes neuronales usualmente resuelven problemas de predicción. Una forma de definir matemáticamente el problema de la predicción es vía la teoría de inducción de Solomonoff y complejidad de Kolmogorov de secuencias. Plantearemos el problema de extender estas nociones al caso de tipos de datos más generales (más allá de las secuencias) invariantes por grupos de simetrías.

Instrucciones, reglas de convivencia, y aclaraciones de privacidad:
Durante la charla se solicita que la audiencia mantenga la cámara y el micrófono apagados. Se advierte a todos que la charla será grabada. Se ruega ingresar a la sala virtual unos 10 minutos antes.


Decimoctava Circular 2019

Noticiero de la UMA
ISSN 1514-9609 (email)
Circular 18/2019




Llamado para Jóvenes Investigadores Destados

Está abierta la inscripción para el 8th Heidelberg Laureate Forum.

Dead line: 14 de febrero de 2020.

Jóvenes investigadores de todas las áreas pueden aplicar  vía el siguiente link:


Calling Outstanding Young Researchers!

The application process for the 8th Heidelberg Laureate Forum is open!

The application period is from November 14, 2019 until February 14, 2020. Young researchers at all phases of their careers (undergraduate, graduate PhD or postdoc) are encouraged to complete and submit their applications by February 14 (midnight at the dateline) via the following link:


“PASCA 2020- Pan-American School in Commutative Algebra”. This school will take place at the Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla-Colombia, from june 1 to 20 of 2020.
This is a two week summer school has as main goal gathering graduate students with interest on current topics of research in commutative algebra. For each of the two weeks, there will be two lecture series with accompanying problem sessions. There will also be a poster session for participants. For more information, please visit the web page of the event:



Call for the research in pairs ICTP-INdAM 2020 has been opened. The deadline is January 12 2020.

Here is the link:

The project finances research projects to be carried out in collaboration between mathematicians from developing countries and Italian mathematicians belonging to the INdAM. The place proposed for the research can be  either ICTP in Trieste or any INdAM research unit.
Applications must be submitted by a mathematician who is a citizen of a developing country who has worked in a developing country for at least 6 months in the previous year.



Oportunidades Laborales


The School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, is advertising the following openings:


Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Reader in Pure Mathematics/Probability/Analysis/Dynamics 

(2 or more)

While this time special emphasis is on Number Theory and {Ergodic Theory + Dynamical Systems} applications from other areas of Pure Mathematics, Probability, Dynamics or Analysis are also welcome.

Please also spread the word about openings in other areas of mathematical research, as follows.

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Reader in Mathematical Physics

 Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Reader in Statistical Science

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Reader in Quantum Computing


Heilbronn Data Science Chair (at reader or professor level)

Closing date for applications to all these positions: 6 January 2020.

Bristol is a very friendly and welcoming city and will remain so after the shock of Brexit. Please note that in the 2016 referendum Bristol voted 62% for remain in the EU, one of the few highest percentages for remain among all major cities in the UK.


The School of Mathematics at the University of Bristol is a leading centre of mathematical research in the UK and worldwide. The quality of research here was recognised in a very strong result in the last nationwide research excellence survey — REF2014 — placing the School overall 5th in the UK and 4th for Research Intensity among all departments/schools of mathematics at UK universities. (The next REF evaluation of research excellence of UK universities will happen in 2021.)





Si Ud tiene alguna novedad o noticia que desea ver comunicada en la  Circular de la UMA, envíe la misma a


Dr. Daniel Jaume

Director de Publicaciones de la UMA.